Tuesday, September 6, 2011

the story behind the terrible picture

a picture of each baby individually

the attempt at getting both babies in the same picture
Lilly has named them tyler and skylar. she thinks one is a boy and one is a girl. jason is convinced we doomed to have all girls. and i think they are both boys. i guess one of us is bound to be right :)

so there we are sitting in the ob office waiting for the dr to come back in. i am way more nervous than i have ever been before, i'm shivering but sweaty, my heart is pounding and my head is spinning. i'm really anxious for the the dr to come and do the ultra sound. i try to express my worries to jason as he tinkers on his phone half listening to what i'm saying...

me to jason: "i'm telling you something is different about this pregnancy. on top of being ridiculously sick i feel unbearable hungry ALL the time. that has never happened to me before. maybe it's a boy? or maybe something is wrong? or maybe it's twins? i've never been unable to button my pants at 8 weeks before, which is just really weird. i'm telling you, something is different this time... i wish the dr would hurry up so i can finally find out. seriously jason, what if it's twins"

jason: "it wont be. but if it is, i probably just wont be able to speak for a while."

finally the dr enters the room (and i think jason finally puts his phone away).
she shows us the baby on the screen and says: "here's the first one and..."
me: "what!!!!!!! AND!!!!!!! are you serious!!!!!!! there's an AND!"
dr: "yes, and here is the second one"
me: "oh my gosh!!!!oh my gosh! oh my gosh! jason, i told you!!!!! i told you! i told you!" (as i am hitting him repeatedly on the arm) "i told you!!!!" as i start to laugh and cry at the same time, making it extremely difficult for the dr to get a good picture.

jason just stood there dumb founded, not saying anything. meanwhile the dr took the measurements and said they were both similar in size (which apparently is important when growing two babies inside you at the same time) and found the heartbeats on both, both strong and good. then she mentioned we had a lot to talk about now that we were having twins. 

finally jason opened his mouth and said: "that's a lot of diapers"

so as we women are worrying about the growth and development of the babies...jason is thinking about how these twins are going to put us in the poor house once and for all. ha ha :) poor guy!

we listened to the dr tell us that i will be coming in much more frequently, getting lots of pictures, seeing expensive equipment that i have ever seen before, preparing to deliver early (no later than 38 weeks) preparing for the most likelihood of a c-section, gaining much more weight, feeling much sicker, needing to take it easy etc. she also told us we were the third set of spontaneous (non-fertilization) twins she had seen in two days. how crazy is that????

as jason left for work and i headed home i think we were both in shock. i can't imagine he got much work done the rest of the day. as he was supposed to be focusing on numbers for work i'm sure his mind kept drifting to the 'numbers' these twins were going to cost him. i know my mind was thinking of nothing else.


  1. Hah! I love that Jason's mind immediately went to the cost! That is why I only have two. David can never get past the thought of all those dollar signs!

  2. Did you ever say how many weeks you are?
